November 2020
This is a brand new day, ladies and gentlemen. A brand new day. — Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Sell first and sell fast. Speed is the key to profiting from a simple, short-lived invention. To increase our chances of quickly licensing our inventions, Stephen Key (inventor, author, speaker, and co‑founder of inventRight, LLC) recommends that we develop and use four selling tools: the point of difference ; perceived ownership; a LinkedIn profile; and a list of companies that love open innovation . The point of difference tells a potential licensee how your invention differs from marketed products and from prior art . This gives a potential licensee two things: confidence that your invention has unique benefits that customers might want to buy; and the perception that you could own a place in the market for your invention (ie, get a patent). A search for your invention on Google and in stores will show the difference between your inv...