March 2018
I am strong! And now, I am smart. — The Hominids (Saturday Night Live, 1979) The ability to adapt nature to our needs is a remarkable and inventive talent. If you want to use that talent to earn a living, it helps to be able to adapt human nature to your needs. Matt told us about how he and four other engineers founded a company on a shoestring budget in their spare time. The co-founders got along so well with each other that the attorney preparing the founding legal documents empowered the company instead of the co-founders. All were equal partners and all had inventive talent but the company had nothing to sell. Matt soon invented a marketable product that benefitted small businesses and that became the focus of the company. He applied for a patent and, being the team player that he was, unconditionally assigned the patent rights to the company. Customers liked the product and prospects looked so good that the c...